Faculty Profile

Hafiz Muhammad Arslan Ghous


School of Food and Agricultural Sciences

 : [email protected]   

Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Arslan is a highly accomplished food technologist, boasting an extensive background of five years in both the academic and industrial sectors. His notable achievements include leading and completing projects related to Halal and Food Safety system certification. His areas of interest encompass Food Safety and Hygiene, Food Quality management Systems. His commitment and dedication in the field of food science make him a valuable asset in this field.

  • Food Safety and Hygiene
  • Food Quality management Systems
Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
University of Management and Technology Lecturer 23-03-2023 Present
Winner Foods Pvt. Ltd Quality Executive 16-11-2020 22-03-2023
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
Conference Papers (presented in Local University) Determination and Mitigation of Heavy Metal Residues in Cucumber Grown in Sewage Water Abstract Book 0.000 2019
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
MSc Hons Food Technology PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Pakistan
  • FSSC Lead Auditor
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